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04/07/20 ww HH-Main: 1st floor PACU conversion to ICU
April 8, 2020

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Cc: "Pharmacy Call Center" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 8:57:27 AM
Subject: Fwd: HH-Main: 1st floor PACU conversion to ICU

Pharmacists Deployment COVID-19 April 7, 2020

They are moving patients to the HORR ICU this morning.  PPM's have been updated and assignment document is attached.  Contact me with any questions!

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Cc: "Pharmacy Call Center" <>
Sent: Monday, April 6, 2020 3:02:48 PM
Subject: HH-Main: 1st floor PACU conversion to ICU

It has been determined that we may need more non-COVID (non PUI) ICU beds.  The first step in accomplishing this is to convert 18 of the 1st floor PACU bays into approximately 11 ICU beds.  This creates some complications for us from a verification standpoint as half of this area will still be PACU (beds 1-17), and the other half will be an ICU(beds 18-36).  All of these beds will still show up as the  PACU unit designation HORR.  This new ICU space is expected to be operational by Tuesday, April 7th, but it is unknown at this time when it may be needed to house patients. I wanted to go ahead and make sure you all are aware of the following plan so we will be ready if/when these new ICU beds are used. 

What you need to know when we do see ICU patients in this area:
  • PACU Beds HORR 1-17: verification covered by the "Q" pharmacists as normal. (keep in mind that beds 18-36 [ICU beds] will still show up on your PPM)
  • New ICU Beds HORR 18-36: verification will be covered by the UB3/UB8. (keep in mind that beds 1-17 [PACU beds] will still show up on your PPM)   Consults will be covered by the D2
  • The PPM's will be updated by PharmIT to reflect this change when we are notified that this area is getting its first patient.  I will send a updated assignment document at that time. 
  • Positions covering the whole house, like Midnights and the W's will need to pay attention to the HORR bed #'s as well. 
How to contact the nurses in these areas:
  • PACU (HORR 1-17) contact #: 58111
  • ICU (HORR 18-36) contact #: 44805
THE GOOD NEWS:  Due to the preparation into converting this new ICU space, the PACU-1 pyxis is now profiled!  That's actually a really big accomplishment, as nursing has historically been apprehensive to making that change.  Even more exciting, is when shown how to use the profiled pyxis, the PACU nurses really liked it.   We hope this a permanent change, as it increases medication safety for our PACU patients. 
  • The ICU nurses will operate as normal within the profiled pyxis.
  • The PACU nurses can use override if the orders are not initiated/verified, or they can use the new profiled functions if the orders are verified. 
Again, we are unsure when this area will be used, but since we may not get much of a notification, I wanted to get this info to y'all.  Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Thank you, 

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