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04/02/20 rc Aristada 1,064 mg and Aristada Initio
April 6, 2020

From: "Richard Cramer" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>, "Jason Simpson" <>, "Keith Moss" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2020 12:45:46 PM
Subject: Aristada 1,064 mg and Aristada Initio

BH Aristada Orders

BH Aristada Orders Screenshots

Aristada education info

Comparison of Long-Acting Antipsychotic Injections

Folks, We will be starting to use 2 new products involved with long-acting antipsychotic injectable drugs for psychiatric patients.  They are Aristada 1,064 mg and Aristada Initio, they are both aripiprazole products,  and these will be supplied at no charge to us by the drug company.   These will both require log-in data similar to the Invega Sustenna program.  Both products offer some advantage for patient compliance/care over what we have now for some patients.  The Aristada 1,064 mg is a q 2 month dosage form, which may help patients with outpt compliance.  The Initio 675 mg dose will serve as a "bridge dose" between the time of administration of the 1,064 dose and the time it takes for positive clinical effects to be seen - normally a 2-week oral regimen is taken for the bridge dose and with Initio this will not be necessary.  The Aristada 1.064 dose and Initio dose should be administered together or within a few days of each other in the hospital (Aristada can be given up to 10 days after Initio dose).  The Aristada 1,064 mg and Aristada Initio log has been set up in the same file as Invega Sustenna and Abilify Maintena :  Pharmacy Shared - Access - Central Pharmacy - Aristada and Aristada Initio - then pick either Aristada 1,064 or Aristada initio.   A power plan is required for use of these 2 agents.  Nursing education (Behavioral Health) per computerized information about use of these two products and the power plan is currently in progress.  A Go-Live date will be announced after nursing and pharmacist education is completed.  Please let me know if you have any questions about the Aristada 1,064 mg and Initio use. 
See attachments for information about these two products, example of power plan included. 

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