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03/08/2017 BG -- issue with MILT software SORT function

From: Becky Ginn
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 1:52 PM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: issue with MILT software SORT function



With the most recent update to MILT, there is a "bug" that does not save the SORT function from your last access. This will sometimes cause the medication field to come in blank when you first sign on.

In order to display the most complete information, make sure that when you sign into MILT, SORT by: generic, then brand, then dose. You can do this sort by clicking the drop down menu (indicated by the green arrows below). This will display the most information so that you can more easily select the correct label to print. See example below of methadone ORAL solution. I have also attached the below graphic in the event that you cannot see the info below.

An update to fix the "bug" has been released by MILT and we are in the process of getting this uploaded....but until then please use the above process.

MILK Sort Fix Image

Becky Ginn, Pharm.D.
Huntsville Hospital
Pharmacy Manager - Central Operations

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