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03/31/20 bs cleaning with alcohol
March 31, 2020

From: "Berkley Sykes" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2020 2:48:42 PM
Subject: cleaning with alcohol

There is a shortage of STERILE 70% isopropyl alcohol that is a requirement for use in the cleanroom areas to clean the hoods and to sanitize gloved hands. No other area should be using the STERILE alcohol, even outside of a shortage... it is expensive and non-sterile alcohol and other sanitizing methods are available to you. 
IV areas,
Sterile alcohol bottles: What we have on hand it all we have. Use ONLY to clean the hoods/robots and to sanitize your gloved hands when working in the cleanroom. We're working on an alternate source for this product. 
Sterile alcohol wipes: Also only use to clean the hoods/robots. We have approximately 2 weeks on hand and then we'll be out. 
Sterile alcohol pads: Continue to use these to disinfect ports of vials and bags. You may also use these to wipe down vials going into the hood when necessary. 
**Do NOT pour sterile alcohol into a container with wipes. This is against 797 regulations due to the potential growth of spores.
If we run out of sterile alcohol, we'll have to temporarily resort to non-sterile alcohol. If your area starts to get low on sterile alcohol, please let me or April know. 
Please let me know if you have questions! 

Berkley Sykes, Pharm.D. 
Pharmacy Operations Manager
Huntsville Hospital 
Office phone: (256) 265-2282
Cell phone: (256) 426-1289 

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