Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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03/30/20 ja 3 Important things
March 31, 2020

From: "Jack Adams" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2020 5:39:00 PM
Subject: 3 Important things

  1. Please continue to stay informed: read pulse announcements daily; attend huddles in your work area; and share information from reliable sources with your co-workers.
    An example: see pulse page announcements -COVID-19 1Chart Alerts and New COVID-19 Information. These listings will help you determine patient status (specifically review page 2 of the inpatient algorithm)
  2. Due to recent school and business closures, we are reaching out to you again. If you would like to request ETO or a schedule change during April or May, contact your supervisor/manager. We will do our best to meet your scheduling needs. 

    3. As stated previously, employees who have health issues and have a higher than normal risk for COVID - 19 exposure may ask for accommodations. We are working to prioritize requests and limit exposure for all employees as we continue to focus our efforts on "separation and sanitation". If you are a member of a high risk group (older adults: >65; and/or have a serious underlying medical condition such as heart disease, diabetes, lung disease; and/or have a compromised immune system), or if you are pregnant,  you are strongly encouraged to discuss your situation with a pharmacy manager as we continue to focus on both patient and employee safety.  

Please let us know as you have additional questions and concerns. 

Thanks for all that you do each day to help us take care of patients.


256-527-3114 (cell)

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