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03/26/20 dc student screening
March 26, 2020

From: "David Collette" <>

Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 12:58:25 PM
Subject: student screening

Just as all travel outside your home or work county must be reported, we must screen all students and determine if they have been outside Madison County...especially to Birmingham or Lee County, which are considered hot spots in AL. If a student has been outside the county any time from last weekend (e.g., after 3/20) through this weekend, they must be approved by Employee Health before coming on campus. If you have a student starting Monday, you must contact them today or tomorrow and determine if any such travel has occurred. If it has, call Employee Health (open 24/7 at 58046) for the further directions. Be sure to ask about details of the travel (how long, contact, etc.) and any symptoms they may have.
Additionally, students must undergo the daily temperature check upon entry into the building AND must abide by the travel and all other restrictions as put forth by Employee Health, HR, Quality Management, HH Administration, and the Pharmacy Department. If they exhibit possible symptoms of COVID-19, contact Employee Health immediately for instructions and let a member of Pharmacy Leadership know.
Thanks! DAVID

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