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03/26/20 jh Viewing Line access in PowerChart
March 26, 2020

From: "Joseph Ho" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 11:17:03 AM
Subject: Viewing Line access in PowerChart

Quick note about Lines for patients in Cerner: the Lines/Tubes/Drains Summary tab from your menu/table of contents is inaccurate.  We are trying to fix it, but it is currently showing both active and discontinued lines as being active.


There are at least 5 different ways to view line access in PowerChart, but the best ones are the first three options listed in order below.  There’s also some good information available from Interactive View and I&O Navigator Bands but please note the caveat described:




  1. Clinical Pharmacist Summary tab -> Clinical Pharmacist Summary mPage -> Lines/Tubes/Drains component (quickest and accurate) -> shows all active lines based on assessment upfront when the component is default expanded from . In addition to default expanding, may want to move and recolor.  If you don’t know how, see the master Cerner tip sheet section on “Customizing Powerchart Summary dashboards” at


  1. Clinical Pharmacist Summary tab -> Neonate Workflow mPage -> Lines/Tubes/Drains link (accurate) -> shows all active lines based on assessment.  Have to manually add Neonate Workflow by hitting the  button.  Organizes active lines by type and location, then can be clicked on for additional details


  1. Interactive View and I&O tab -> Adult ICU Lines – Devices band (accurate) -> shows all active lines based on assessment. Have to manually add this navigator band by clicking View -> Layout -> Navigator Bands -> and move over Adult ICU Lines – devices to Current Document Types.  Sometimes requires extra clicks/scrolling.  Another band that would be useful to add is Adult ICU quick view.  Caveat: be careful, if there is a Cerner update to navigator bands yours may not be automatically updated.


  1. Results Review tab -> Assessments tab (accurate but complicated) -> shows all lines and assessments.  May require several clicks because of vertical scrolling, horizontal scrolling based on table or group grouping, and show more results and clinical range filtering


  1. Lines/Tubes/Drains Summary tab (inaccurate) -> shows both active and discontinued lines under the active section even though some may be d/c’d!



Please let me know if you have any questions.

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