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03/24/20 ww 5th Floor Huddles
March 24, 2020

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2020 3:33:24 PM
Subject: 5th Floor Huddles

With social distancing being a key factor in slowing down COVID-19, we've had to utilize the conference call option more for our huddles.  We now have a new number that does NOT require you to enter an access code, which should simplify the dial in process.  Just dial the number and do NOT hit the star* unless you are the host/huddle leader. 
It turns out, the rest of the world is having to rely on this conference call service as well, which is causing some difficulties in either trying to dial in or being able to get a good reception.  
  • If you have difficulties dialing in or hearing the huddle, let me (or Gregg, Amy, Brandy, Chris ) know, and we will call you to give you the need-know-info. 
  • Don't forget to mute your phone until you need to speak. Background noise can make it difficult for others on the call to hear well.
NEW CONFERENCE CALL NUMBER: (725)735-9462 (no access code needed)
I appreciate you all...and there is nothing  you can do about that.

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