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03/17/20 dc albuterol inhalers ***PLEASE READ ***
March 17, 2020

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Cc: "Tracy Doughty" <>, "Mary Lynne Wright" <>, "Elizabeth Sanders" <>, "Wayne Byford" <>, "Ron Stansell" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 11:57:38 AM
Subject: albuterol inhalers ***PLEASE READ ***

We just had a conference call across all our Madison County campuses and beginning immediately, albuterol inhalers are to be dispensed as written for COVID-19 suspected, presumptive positive, and positive patients. We hope to have a list of these patients soon and Aaron/team are working on a pop-up notification in Med Manager for these patients, but for now you can review the chart for COVID-19 status by following the info from Aaron (attached). If you can't find the info needed to classify this patient as a potential/confirmed COVID-19 patient, check with the nurse to determine if they are on isolation or not. If they are, it is likely that the inhaler is appropriate. Patients not suspected/confirmed who are ordered an albuterol inhaler should be switched to nebulized albuterol per our previous formulary decision. 
Please let me know if you have any questions. DAVID

As an update, the Pharmacy COVID-19 Notification Rule is now LIVE in production.   If a patient with an ACTIVE Problem of ‘SARS-CoV-2’ is opened in PharmNET, the notification shown below will display.  Please note you will still need to review the patient’s chart (the Problem List Detail Comments or Results Review) to determine actual test status.

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