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03/11/20 ww HH-Main Pharmacist Leads
March 11, 2020

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 3:41:34 PM
Subject: HH-Main  Pharmacist Leads

Good Afternoon,

I would like to announce that Amy DuPont and Brandy Williams have been promoted to a Lead-II Pharmacist.   Amy and Brandy will be the go-to contacts for any UB or central pharmacy issues that arise during the later 2nd Shift hours, as well as taking on more leadership responsibilities as they transition into their new role. 
I'm also excited to announce that Chris Squires has been selected as a Lead-I pharmacist, and he will begin to be involved in more leadership activities, as well as being another resource for 2nd shift.   
Please help me congratulate Amy, Brandy, and Chris on their recent promotions. They will officially be in their new roles starting March 22, 2020.

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