Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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03/10/20 dc Covid19 Update - Travel and Sales Personnel - 3/10/2020
March 10, 2020

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "Robbie Justice" <>, "Richard Cramer" <>, "Adam Sawyer" <>, "Mary Dang" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 3:29:02 PM
Subject: Fwd: Covid19 Update - Travel and Sales Personnel - 3/10/2020

No more sales reps for now...only those providing clinical/technical services. I guess that means that the ones that help out in OR with devices can come in, but not those doing sales calls. DAVID

From: "Michael McDaniel" <>
To: "pharmacy leadership" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 3:26:18 PM
Subject: Fwd: Covid19 Update - Travel and Sales Personnel - 3/10/2020

Michael R McDaniel

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jeff Samz <>
Date: March 10, 2020 at 4:15:13 PM EDT
To: Dept-Leadership <>, Andrea Rosler <>, Anna McKinnon <>, Arin Zapf <>, Burr Ingram <>, Carolyn Bentley <>,, Chris Rush <>, David Spillers <>, Dean Griffin <>, "Doughty, Tracy" <>, Elizabeth Wood <>, "Fender, Thomas" <>, Gary Gore <>, "Hewiett, Josh" <>, Jake Glombowski <>, "Jeffrey N. Stephens" <>, Joe Campbell <>, Kelli Powers <>, Kenneth Graves <>, Kyle Buchanan <>, Mary Lynne Wright <>, Michele Cox <>, Nathaniel Richardson <>, "Pryor, David" <>, Rick Corn <>, Robert Chappell <>, Rudy Hornsby <>, Sarah Savage-Jones <>
Subject: Covid19 Update - Travel and Sales Personnel - 3/10/2020


HH Leadership –


Please share this memo as necessary with your supervisors and staff.


In addition to the visitor restrictions we put in place last week, we are taking additional measures to reduce the opportunity for covid19 to spread in our hospitals and community.  We are implementing the following measures throughout the System, effective immediately.


  • All business travel is suspended until further notice. 
  • Sales representatives are not permitted in the hospital unless they are providing a technical service necessary for patient care. 
  • When dealing with sales personnel who travel frequently, you should ask about their travel history.  If they have been to a CDC designated high risk area (currently China, Iran, Italy, and South Korea) or had any known exposure to covid19, they are not permitted for any reason.
  • Large group meetings are discouraged and some events are being rescheduled.  As an example, the System Summit originally planned for April 8 at Ingalls Harbor is being postponed.


Human Resources is preparing a letter for all employees providing guidance on personal travel (for example, spring break trips).  Any employee that travels to a CDC designated high risk area, or who has any known exposure to a covid19 patient, is subject to a fourteen day home quarantine before returning to work.  If the exposure is due to personal travel, the quarantined employee will be required to use ETO.


While there are no known cases of covid19 in Alabama, the situation is evolving rapidly and these proactive measures are important to protect one another and our patients.  We strongly encourage everyone to take all reasonable steps to limit your chance for exposure, both to reduce the chance of contracting covid19, and to reduce the chance you put yourself in a position that will require a fourteen day quarantine.


Thank you,

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