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02/13/20 ww HH-Main PeriOp Assignments and UB-11 Assist
February 17, 2020

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2020 3:21:02 PM
Subject: HH-Main PeriOp Assignments and UB-11 Assist

Due to great input and feedback, we are going to move forward with a couple assignment changes starting tomorrowFriday 2/14/20:
1) Periop Tracking: New  Periop Tracking assignments will go into effect.  Attached is pharmacist assignment sheet with updated Periop assignments. Also attached,  is a Periop assignment and surgeon list to help with differentiating who covers which procedural case.  The assignments themselves should be more evenly distributed, and hopefully the surgeon list helps you differentiate which orders you have. 
2) UB11 Assist:  To bring some relief to the UB11 from 11:30a - 1:30p, the Te will add UB11 assist.  Central pharmacy functions still hold priority for the Te, but when able, please assist the UB11 during that 2hr time frame. 
Please reach out with any issues or concerns.

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