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02/23/2017 SP -- W-shift DVT/Med Rec Responsibilities

From: Samantha Pelham

To: Pharmacists

Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 4:25:04 PM

Subject: W-shift DVT/Med Rec Responsibilities


UB Unit Assignments and Clinical Assignments 


Hi all,


The changes to the "W3" hours and responsibilities last year created an opportunity to modify the assigned units for DVT/medication reconciliation for all 3 W-shifts. Listed below are the new assignments to start this weekend, February 25/26.

W1 - 5NE/7E/7W/7N/7NE/7NW/7MST/8N/8NE/8MST   

W2 - 2E/2W/3E/3W/3NE/3NW/CSSM/4E/4W/4N/4NE/4NW/4MST       

W3 - 1GNM/1GSM/5E/5W/5NW/5MST/6E/6W/6N/6NE/6NW/6MST


The patient sets have been updated in HCS. See attached for the current UB assignments document.

Please e-mail me with questions and feedback.





Samantha Pelham, Pharm.D., BCPS

Clinical Pharmacist Supervisor

Huntsville Hospital Department of Pharmacy


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