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02/05/20 dc Pharmacy Leadership Rounds
February 5, 2020

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 11:01:23 AM
Subject: Pharmacy Leadership Rounds

One of the concepts taught in our Highly Reliable Organization (HRO) classes is ROUNDING TO INFLUENCE. The goal of these rounds is for departmental leadership to talk directly with team members in their area and (1) influence the team to comply with a specific goal and (2) get team members' feedback to influence the direction of our department. When a leader comes to talk with you, please
  • come to a safe stopping point (safety first!)
  • listen to their topic (expected time: 2-3 minutes)
  • give feedback to the leader regarding safety/quality issues, workflow, and engagement
You will see managers, supervisors, and leads participating in these rounds each month and we truly value your input. Some topics may be pertinent to the entire department while others may be tailored to your functional area.
While I have your attention, I would like to commend the many of you who are speaking up at Huddles and discussing safety issues in your area. Huddles are a great place to discuss near misses/great catches, issues that may be causing others headaches, or specific safety hazards. Our ultimate goal is the have Huddle attendees drive the meeting and provide the majority of the information.
And safe, be caring, be kind

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