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02/04/20 mt Multitrace (Trace Elements)
February 4, 2020

From: "Mickala M. Thompson" <>

Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 9:11:26 AM
Subject: Multitrace (Trace Elements)


McKesson is out of adult trace elements, with no release date at this time. In order to conserve our supply (especially given that the product is diluted for use in neonates), we will be immediately implementing the following:
1. For patients on both TPN and enteral nutrition (via oral diet or tube), withhold trace elements from the TPN.
2. In patients with trace element deficiencies or in critically ill patients, change the Multitrace to the individual components (Zn 5 mg, Cr 10 mcg, Se 60 mcg, Cu 1 mg, Mn 0.5 mg).
3. For all other patients, give the appropriate Multitrace content (0.5 or 1 mL) on Mondays and Thursdays only.
Please make a note regarding the trace elements (detailing days when it should be omitted) on each folder you review. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.

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