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2/3/2020 as Fentanyl Patch Powerplan
February 3, 2020

From: "Alexis Skarupa" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Monday, February 3, 2020 7:13:20 AM
Subject: Fentanyl Patch Powerplan

Hello all, 

The Fentanyl Patch Powerplan will go live tommorrow Tuesday, February 4th 2020. 

Some important things to remember: 

- Prescribers will now be required to order fentanyl patches either through this powerplan or through the Medication Reconciliation module for four indications:continuation of home patch, conversion from a chronic opioid, comfort care with active AND/DNR, or a dose increase. 
- A guide will pop-up on the verification screen in MedManager when fentanyl patches are ordered listing opiate conversions and steps for verification. 
- An order comment will show which indication the fentanyl patch is being prescribed for.  

Attached is the verification guide for fentanyl patches. This document is also posted on FormWeb under 'fentanyl'. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 

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