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1/17/20 jh Tip Sheet - Reminder to review T-sub Details
January 17, 2020

From: "Joseph Ho" <>

Sent: Friday, January 17, 2020 4:46:10 PM
Subject: Tip Sheet - Reminder to review T-sub Details

T-Sub Details Reminder

Hey all,

We recently corrected a near-miss due to an incorrect Cerner T-sub (therapeutic substitution) related to Zocor. Specifically, a Zocor half tab was sub’d to the equivalent of a whole tablet by Cerner. This has since been fixed in Cerner!

Please see attached tip sheet on why clicking on the T-sub icon  in Med Manager during verification and comparing the different lines is important (especially between the first and third lines).  Many thanks to Prakriti and Katie for helping us get this fixed and thank you for everything you do!  Please continue to report any issues you may find.

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