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02/21/2017 DC -- potassium chloride dosage forms and cost

From: David Collette

To: grp allpharm

Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2017 10:28:49 AM

Subject: KCL dosage forms


In consultation with our buying group, we have discovered that we are spending a rather large amount for potassium chloride powder and liquid, topping $80,000 over the past 7 months. Here is the approximate cost of the various KCL dosage forms:

    * Liquid = $14.06 per 40 mEq dose

    * Powder = $11.76 per 40 mEq dose

    * IVPB = $2.15 per 40 mEq dose

    * Tablet = $1.16 per 40 mEq dose (less than 10% of the cost of either liquid or powder!)

The new electrolyte protocol (under review as we speak) will have KCL 40 mEq (4 x 10 mEq) in tablet form as the workhorse product, but allows for the liquid formulation for patients with tubes. When reviewing orders for oral potassium chloride, please make sure that TABLETS are entered if no specific dosage form is ordered and the patient is able to swallow oral medications. We should make every effort to NOT use the liquid or powder forms unless the patient is receiving medications through a tube. As you can see, it is actually more cost effective to use the IVPB formulation than to use to liquid or powder!

Working together to use the tablet formulation of oral KCL can result in potential savings of several thousand dollars each month.




David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP

Operations Manager, Professional Services Huntsville Hospital Department of Pharmacy

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