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1/8/19 kv/sh Epinephrine in PEDS code trays
January 8, 2020

From: "Katie Vandiver" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Cc: "PharmTechs HHWC" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 8, 2020 4:20:03 PM
Subject: Epinephrine in PEDS code trays

We have received a small supply of boxed epinephrine 1 mg/10 mL syringes.  At this time, we will resume placing 4 boxed epinephrine emergency syringes in each PEDIATRIC code tray. 


Kathryn Vandiver, Pharm.D.
Women and Children Pharmacy Supervisor
Huntsville Hospital for Women and Children
Office phone: 256-265-2796
Pharmacy phone: 256-265-7620

From: "Steven Higginbotham" <>
To: "Pharmacists Main Central" <>
Sent: Monday, December 9, 2019 10:16:56 AM
Subject: Fwd: Peds emergency med changes

Please see Katie's email below. 
We are out of boxed epinephrine syringes at Main so we are using ALL epinephrine kits in Pediatric and Adults code trays. 


From: "Katie Vandiver" <>
To: "Pharmacy HHWC" <>
Cc: "Christopher Strickland" <>
Sent: Friday, December 6, 2019 3:44:09 PM
Subject: Peds emergency med changes

Sodium bicarb 4.2% 10 mL syringes
  • Supply is critically low.  Sodium bicarb 4.2% 5 mL vials are available.  
  • Pediatric code trays:  Use 2 vials to replace the syringe.  Only place the vials in the tray if the syringe has been used or is expiring.  
  • Pyxis: The vials will be loaded in Pyxis machines where the syringes are currently loaded.  The 5 mL vials are available in Cerner.
Epinephrine 1 mg/10 mL syringes
  • Supply is critically low and remaining supply is reserved for pediatrics
  • Pediatric code tray: Use 2 syringes and 2 kits per code tray
  • Kids Care Transport bag: Use 2 syringes and 3 kits per bag
Please let me or Cappy know if you have any questions.


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