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12/3/19 jm AUC-Guided Vancomycin dosing protocol for ADULT patients - Go Live TODAY!
December 3, 2019

From: "Justin Muklewicz" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2019 7:22:00 AM
Subject: AUC-Guided Vancomycin dosing protocol for ADULT patients - Go Live TODAY!

Good morning team,
The AUC-guided Vancomycin dosing protocol for ADULT patients will go live TODAYTuesday12/3/19.This applies to all pharmacists who dose vancomycin for ADULT patients at HHMain, Madison, and W&C.
Transition plan: New consults only starting on 12/3/19. Do not convert existing consults to AUC-guided dosing.
Calculator/Guideline: Available on Formweb. ( home page --> Pharmacy Clinical Services --> PKS information
- Choose the Excel calculator when available, otherwise choose Google Sheets (choose the version with the oldest modified date)
Key Points to Remember
- Exclusion criteria: unstable renal function, CNS infections, SSTI'sUTI's, intra-abdominal infections, dialysis
- Obtain levels at steady state concentrations and with a "buffer"
- Save PDF's of calculations to the S:drive after step 3 is complete only
Practice/educational materials: Available on Formweb as above
- Nursing handout for obtaining two levels (this has already been distributed to nursing unit directors)
- Practice cases and answer key
- Example of a pre-steady state AUC-calculation... more examples to come!
For pharmacists that did not attend the optional in-service:
- If you would like to obtain more hands-on practice, please e-mail for other in-service opportunities. Alternatively, please complete the practice cases available on Formweb. I am always available to discuss the cases with you and answer any questions.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to myself or Jonathan (Spectra-Link X50286) for any questions during this transition period. 
Thank you everyone!

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