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11/27/19 jm Vancomycin AUC-Guided Dosing Protocol Implementation Plan
December 2, 2019

From: "Justin Muklewicz" <>

Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2019 10:24:12 AM
Subject: Re: Vancomycin AUC-Guided Dosing Protocol Implementation Plan

Good morning everyone,
I would like to propose the following house-wide (Madison, HH main, W&C) implementation date for AUC-guided vancomycin dosing in ADULT patients: Tuesday12/3/19.  Please let me know what you all think and if anyone has any concerns or questions with this implementation date. 
Transition plan: on implementation date, only new consults will be dosed according to the new protocol. Any existing patients that were currently receiving vancomycin prior will be continued according to the previously set vancomycin target (e.g. trough guided dosing). 
Below are items that have been addressed since my prior e-mail (blue)
Once a date has been set, I will communicate this to laboratory and nursing staff and I will send an e-mail to all pharmacy staff.

Implementation date: expected end of November (Date TBD pending completion of nursing education). Until further notice, AUC-guided dosing remains limited to the pilot protocol for clinical specialists and residents.
Pharmacist Education: 
1. Required: Staff development CE presentation for all pharmacists (complete). 
2. Optional: Additional in-services and opportunities to ask questions. Dates TBD, and to be held at Madison and Main (pending - to be scheduled during the beginning of November) last in-service on 11/29/19I have conducted in-services at Madison, W&C, 3rd shift at HH main, and HH main with good attendance.
3. Optional: Practice cases available on the pulse page (pending - to be uploaded to the PKS folder in PULSE and formweb vancomycin link) to be uploaded to by 11/29/19
Nursing Education: 
1. Nursing fliers (pending - to be distribution through education council) Completed early Nov.  I will follow-up with the education council to inform them of official implementation date.
2. Pharmacy info for nursing staff meetings (pending - to be announced during the upcoming nursing staff meeting) Completed early Nov.
1. The laboratory director has been informed of the expected increase in number of vancomycin levels (Completed)
Continuous Education, Tracking and Quality improvement
1. AMT is available for any questions or suggestions between the hours of 0700-1530 MON-FRI (x50286)
2. Guideline and calculator will be made available on PULSE (departments --> operations I --> pharmacy/drug info --> clinical services --> PKS information)
3. "save PDF" button on the calculator will be required after completing 2-level calculations during the first 1-2 months of go-live. The AMT will be reviewing these PDF files to monitor for appropriateness and opportunities for improvement
4. AMT will be tracking and collecting data for continuous quality improvement.

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