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11/26/19 jh Customizing Medication Administration Times in PowerChart
November 27, 2019

From: "Joseph Ho" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2019 6:55:43 PM
Subject: Customizing Medication Administration Times in PowerChart

Customizing Medication Administration Times in PowerChart

Hey everyone,

Attached is a brief  tip sheet on how you can adjust Scheduled (Daily, BID, TID, etc) frequency orders to Custom times during order entry in PowerChart. We are hoping to distribute this information to anyone that enters orders including nurses and providers.

This prevents order verification scenarios like the one below, where the first two doses have been retimed to 1700 from Review Schedule but the actual Custom time was not adjusted so the order goes back to default 0900 starting on day 3 (note Cerner is trying to hint something is wrong on verification with the Orange highlight)



Please let me know if you have any questions.

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