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11/20/19 jh Tip Sheet - Entering TNF (template non-formulary) orders in Med Manager
November 20, 2019

From: "Joseph Ho" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 5:28:09 PM
Subject: RE: Tip Sheet - Entering TNF (template non-formulary) orders in Med Manager

Template Non-Formulary (TNF) Orders

Hey all,

Attached is a revised TNF (template non-formulary) orders tip sheet. The only thing new is the first page to cover verifying home meds.  The goal is to emphasize what to do on verification to make TNF orders scan and hopefully safer if a pharmacist isn't manually re-entering the order. There is nothing wrong with manually re-entering, but we understand it can be time-consuming.

An important point is ensuring Dosage form is always updated to “Misc” and to Void/Copy/re-enter to fix this if the order is already past the Start Date/Time.  If you manually enter a TNF it will already default to the “Misc” form.

Also, always enter a Cerner product for orders instead of TNF if it is available (allows for clinical checking)

Please let me know if you have any questions and thanks for all you do!!!

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