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03/01/2017 BG -- PharMEDium Current Stock and Issues Main/HHWC

As of 03/01/2017, Current Stock of PharMEDium products Main/HHWC

PharMEDium WILL continue to supply the vecuronium 10 mg/10 mL syringes. The issue mentioned below only affects the vecuronium bags (we do not purchase these from PharMEDium).

This will be the final update as the PharMEDium supply crisis is essentially over with the exception of vecuronium 10 mg/10 mL syringes which PharMEDium has suspended manufacturing for an undetermined period of time.

We will stock out of the vecuronium syringes as some point (approx 3 weeks), and all providers will have to reconstitute the vial to use on patients. Many of the Pyxis machines only have the vials already...the remaining supply of syringes will primarily be used up in the CVOR A-Systems.

Thanks to everyone who was impacted by these shortages by fielding calls, moving stock, etc.

Latest development: PharMEDium has lifted most ordering restrictions; however, orders are still slow to arrive.
Also ***PharMEDium has temporarily suspended manufacturing vecuronium 10 mg/10 mL syringes***. It is unknown when they will resume making these syringes. Providers will have to use vecuronium vials as our syringe supply becomes depleted.

Please note the following:

1. stock number are from Knowledge Portal (which updates once daily at midnight) PLUS the stock received from PharMEDium today.
2. PSP-prepared stock MAY be part of the "total stock" numbers (i.e. EPI bags may reflect PSP bags with very short dates that are loaded into Pyxis).

From: David Collette

To: Pharmacy
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2017 10:29:04 AM
Subject: ephedrine syringes

Our supplier of several drugs in syringes (PharMEDium) has had numerous production issues and is currently unable to supply ephedrine syringes. We have a very limited supply of the 25 mg/5 mL syringes and could possibly run out over the weekend.

We do have ephedrine 50 mg/mL ampules loaded in the A-systems as a back up. Please forward this information to those who need to know and remind them of this MAJOR CONCENTRATION DIFFERENCE (50 mg/mL for the amps as opposed to the 5 mg/mL syringes they are used to, a ten-fold difference).

Also, we are unable to obtain vecuronium syringes from PharMEDium, but have vials (which requires reconstitution) available in the A-systems. 

Additionally, any item that we receive from PharMEDium is at risk for running short due to their production issues. We are monitoring this situation and wanted to let you know that we will continue to supply the drugs, but that packaging and containers may appear different than you are used to.

Again, please forward this e-mail to others in your dept that may need to know. 




David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP
Operations Manager, Professional Services
Huntsville Hospital Department of Pharmacy

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