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11/13/19 jm HH MAIN only -- Vancomycin AUC-guided dosing in-services
November 14, 2019

From: "Justin Muklewicz" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 7:04:35 AM
Subject: HH MAIN only -- Vancomycin AUC-guided dosing in-services

Good morning, 

This announcement applies to pharmacists that dose vancomycin for ADULT patients at Huntsville Hospital Main only. 

There will be several AUC -guided Vancomycin dosing in-services over the next 2 weeks in preparation for AUC -guided dosing go-live for all pharmacists (go-live date TBD ). Attendance is optional, but is highly recommended! The in-services will supplement the staff development that all pharmacists attended, with more hands-on practice. Two sessions will be held per time block to allow UB pharmacists to cross-cover orders while one pharmacist attends. 

Sign up here --> Google Sheets 

When: Promptly after huddles (~13:00 - 14:00 and 14:00 - 15:00). They will last approximately 45 min - 1 hr each (2 per day) 

- Wednesday, 11/20/19 
- Thursday, 11/21/19 
- Wednesday, 11/27/19 
- Friday, 11/29/19 

Where: 5th floor pharmacy conference room 

Agenda items: 
- Documenting AUC dosing information in vancomycin progress notes 
- Hands-on practice with several patient cases 
- Discuss results from the pilot protocol 
- Opportunity to ask additional questions 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. If you would like to attend an in-service but these dates will not work for you, please contact me for alternatives. 

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