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11/12/19 ja Pharmacy Manager Opportunity
November 14, 2019

From: "Jack Adams" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 5:52:02 PM
Subject: Pharmacy Manager Opportunity

Due to Becky Ginn's departure, we will be recruiting to fill a Pharmacy Manager position for "Centralized Services". This manager will be responsible for general operations at Main Central Pharmacy, Women's and Children's Central Pharmacy and other projects as assigned. 

If you would like to be considered for this management position, please submit your resume / CV to Hilary Robertson by end of day Wednesday Nov. 20th. We will begin the search process with internal candidates. We hope to have someone ready to take this position in January 2020

If you have questions with regards to the specific responsibilities of this position please reach out directly to me - email, text or call. 
256-527-3114 (cell) 

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