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10/28/19 dc please report findings
October 28, 2019

From: "David Collette" <>
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2019 9:52:52 AM
Subject: please report findings

Please report any findings from either (1) your personal visits to areas or (2) tracers that you are involved in. This will give us an idea of what they are looking for and may help avoid future occurrences. 

A couple of things I saw on visits to Imaging and Endoscopy: 

    * 16 oz betadine partially used (label says SINGLE USE ONLY) 
    * 1L pour bottle of sterile water partially used (label says SINGLE USE ONLY) 
    * isopropyl alcohol bottles with expiration date smeared off 
    * Cleaning wipes with tops open (they dry out) 
    * EKG pads on top of crash cart opened - should be folded over and dated (most are 28 or 30 days after opening...see individual package [not a Pharmacy issue, but all crash cart issues are in the Med Mgmt chapter - report to nurse mgr/charge nurse if found] 

Also, unless you are actively involved in a tracer, we will continue to hold Huddles this week, where pertinent info will be distributed and reiterated. Please attend. 

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