Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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10/25/19 ww HHM - Pharmacist ReDeployment/ Shifts and Unit Assignments
October 25, 2019

From: "Wade Williams" <
To: "Pharmacists" <
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2019 2:22:45 PM 
Subject: HHM - Pharmacist ReDeployment/ Shifts and Unit Assignments 

Good afternoon, 

I hope you all have enjoyed Pharmacy Week! There has been a lot of changes recently with new positions rolling-out seemingly every week or two. Starting Tuesday, 11/12/19 , the majority of our new staff will be trained and the new positions can be fully filled on the schedule. Thankfully this allows us to redeploy our pharmacist into a new unit assignment plan that we believe will result in a more complete Unit-Base model and improved care for our patients. This new model is focused on a team approach, UBs and clinical specialist will have their assigned unit(s), but can easily assist each other if needed. See the attached documents for the Mon-Fri schedule and the weekend/holiday schedule starting on 11/12/19

    * Sentri7 - based on the units you are assigned to provide clinical coverage for. (example: see UB1 - 2E/6W/6MST) 
    * Consults/Tasks - until all the UBs go through the NSS training (early 2020), this process will remain the same with the clinical specialist delegating task to the UB positions. After the NSS training is complete, UBs will take all consults/tasks from their assigned clinical coverage units. (Same as Sentri7 units) 
    * Once NSS training is complete (early 2020), clinical specialist will verify for their unit(s) for the entirety of their shift. It's a team concept and there will be times when the clin spec or the UB will need the other to help cover. Communication is key. 
    * Effective 11/09/19 - All "Ws" will be 1130A - 10P 
    * Effective 11/23/19 - The "tw" will become the "t", making the "t" 7 days per week 
    * This is NOT set in stone. Adjustments can be made as needed. 

Pharmacy Deployment (M-F) Nov 2019

Pharmacy Deployment (Wkd) Nov 2019

This is a big change, so please contact me with any questions or concerns. 

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