Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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10/25/19 ww HHM Code-J Assignments
October 25, 2019

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2019 8:10:36 AM
Subject: HHM Code-J Assignments

TJC could likely be here Monday, 10/28/19.  Note changes in the Code-J Assignments due to the return of the UB-1. 

HHM Code-J Assignments (every morning of survey beginning at 7:00 am)

UB pharmacists will cover order verification for the ICUs while the units are being inspected

UB 1 - 6E/6NE/6NW
UB 2 - 4NE/4MST
UB 3 - ED/ED Hold/8NE
UB 4 - 7E/7MST
UB 5 - 1GSM/1GNM

Specialists will report to their units and perform the Code-J review (see page 10 of the QRG)

Z1 - 4MST/4NE/4N/4NW
N1 - 6E/6W
D2 - 6NE/6MST
N2 - 6NW/6N
ONC1 - 7E/7W/7MST
AMT - 7N/7NE/7NW
Z2 - 8N/8NE/8MST
PGY1 residents - 2E/2W/3E/3W/3NE/4E/4W/5E/5W/5NE/5NW/5MST
PGY-2 residents and Emily/Julie - Dialysis, Endoscopy, CATH/CSSM, Imaging, Pain Center, THC procedural, HHM PreOp/PACUs
Central Pharmacy - all staff in the area should inspect for TJC readiness
PSP - all staff in the area should inspect for TJC readiness
Managers, supervisors, and leads should perform Code-J activities as needed

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