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10/22/19 DC Use your QRG for TJC questions!
October 22, 2019

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2019 8:42:56 AM
Subject: Use your QRG for TJC questions!

Today's TJC tip...
There's a lot of good info in our Technician and Pharmacist Quick Reference Guides. Please read over them and use them as needed to answer questions from surveyors. Many pages were added because they represent TJC FAQs in addition to frequently-used info for our staff.
These guides contain a great deal of life safety info, med safety info, NSS/PKS/anticoag protocols, tapering & titrating info, antimicrobial stewardship, standard concentrations, and MUCH MUCH more. Please review your guides this week and have them ready for use when the surveyors show us...possiblyMonday, October 28th
And while you're reviewing your QRGs, don't for the largest resource in your area...your Quality Board. There should be lots of area-specific quality info PLUS our department-wide initiative on opioid reduction (which shows a nice drop over the past 2 years!).
Thanks for all that you do to keep us ready for a TJC survey and HAPPY PHARMACY WEEK!

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