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10/11/19 JR Tube feed folders - when changing from P/E to E only
October 14, 2019

From: "Jerry Robinson Pharm.D." <>
To: "Pharmacy Clinical Specialist" <>
Cc: "Pharmacy Residents" <>, "Cara Bujanowski" <>, "Monroe Crawley" <>, "Kenneth Boley" <>, "Hannah Matson" <>, "Lindsay Hume" <>, "Chris Demitraszek" <>, "Lynsi Collins" <>, "Mary Walters" <>, "Christopher Strickland" <>
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2019 1:28:34 PM
Subject: Tube feed folders - when changing from P/E to E only

For Huntsville Hospital MAIN: 
If P/E converts to just Enteral or Enteral patient transfers out of STICU, pharmacist completes consult requirements for that day. Contact dietitian [5-6406] for folder transfer. Inform dietitian that folder will be in the 5th floor pharmacy office in the dietitian bin. Pharmacist should add patient to NSS Dietitian database and remove from pharmacist list; there is a separate tab for Dietitians in the NSS/PKS database that should be used. [See NSS/PKS database]. 

Any folder in the dietitian bin in 5th floor pharmacy office at 8 AM on Monday - Friday, Dietitian office will be contacted [5-6406] by pharmacy clinical technician or clinical specialist concerning folders remaining in bin. Clinical technician or pharmacist can deliver folder to dietary office in corner of cafeteria at Main. 

Other reminders concerning TF: 
- At main facility, new tube feed consults are done by the dietitian every day of the week except if patient is in STICU. 
- Charging patient for enteral management: If you discontinue a TF on the weekend or throughout the week, Ad hoc charting should be completed to charge the patient for the respective days followed by NSS (dietitian and pharmacist days combined). 

Let me know if you have questions. 

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