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10/10/19 DC TJC weekly review
October 10, 2019

From: "David Collette" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2019 9:05:38 AM
Subject: TJC weekly review

There is a small chance that TJC might pay us a visit next week (Tue?), but 
the more likely date is Oct 28. Attached is a list of "low handing fruit" - 
RFIs that we can reasonably avoid with a little effort (if you've been to 
HPI training, this falls under "know why and comply" - simply following our 
policies will keep us in compliance!).

Also, a couple of other issues:

    * continue your clean sweeps
    * continue to clarify and remove duplicate PRNs
    * if improper orders are found on PowerPlans or favorites, contact Greg 
Jones in IT and our Katie Sims.


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