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10/3/19 DC A few reminders
October 7, 2019

From: "David Collette" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 3, 2019 2:25:36 PM
Subject: A few reminders

Beginning Monday, October 14, the ED will call a CODE SEPSIS when they have 
a patient who is possibly septic. The ED pharmacist will receive the page on 
their SpectraLink (51909) from 7 am until 10 pm M-F, then the Code Pager ( 
iPod ) will receive the page until the next morning. There is NO immediate 
action required by Pharmacy...this is simply a notification that the ED has 
a potentially septic patient who is being worked up and for us to be aware 
in case they need something emergently . Jeremy Ray is working on an 
informational sheet on CODE SEPSIS with some of the possible questions you 
may receive; he will distribute this information before the new alert 
process begins on Oct 14. If you have any questions about this process, 
please let me or Jeremy know.

Three other notes: (1) please complete your employee survey ...the deadline 
has been extended to Friday, October 4th. We've already had one winner for 
100% completion ( Outpt Pharmacy technicians) and we hope to have more! (2) 
please get your flu shot ...Employee Health has given over 4,000 so far! (3) 
Huddles will now be held 5 days per week (M-F) beginning next week, October 
7-11. All employees are expected to attend a Huddle on days they are working 
and are responsible for the information provided. If you are off, Huddles 
are archived on FormWeb for your reference.

Thanks for taking note of these announcements. DAVID


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