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9/21/19 dc 4th day of TJC review
September 23, 2019

From: "David Collette" <>

To: "Pharmacy" <>

Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2019 7:49:55 AM

Subject: 4th day of TJC review


Today's topic is QUALITY BOARDS...



TJC surveyors are asking "What have you done in this dept that you are proud of?" or "what quality improvement projects have you been involved in" and other similar questions. Your best answer is to show them your area's QUALITY BOARD and point out improvements that are documented.



As noted on the attached flier, our OPIOID/NARCOTIC STEWARDSHIP story is a good one... opiate use is down and several contributing factors are listed. Also, our low Pyxis expired drug rate and our decreasing use of TPNs are good general stories to tell. If you're not sure what specific quality improvements actions have been undertaken in your area, ask your supervisor.



Thanks for taking a few minutes to review this info as we prepare for TJC and... have a great weekend!









David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP

Operations Manager, Professional Services Huntsville Hospital Department of Pharmacy

101 Sivley Road, Huntsville, AL 35801

Desk: (256) 265-6741; Cell: (256) 527-2560


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