Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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9/14/19 dc Re: Assigned Nursing Units
September 14, 2019

From: "David Collette" <>

Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2019 7:58:45 AM

Subject: Re: Assigned Nursing Units


Since Mary has updated this list, I would like to ask that each of you make a few trips to your assigned unit(s) over the next 2 weeks to make sure all is in order from a medication management standpoint (clean, no unsecured meds, no expired products, med room door closed and locked, etc). Please point out deficiencies to the nurse manager/charge nurse and, if warranted, take pix and send to me and Emily Behr. Joint Commission could come ANY DAY NOW, but the next most likely week is Sept 30 (they could even arrive on Tue, Oct 1).



Additionally, it is imperative that we keep profiles clean...duplicates (PRN and scheduled meds), PRNs without indication, missing ht/wt/allergies/reactions, incorrect routes (receiving meds via tube, but the order reads PO), and others. If you have students, you are welcome to assign them to review profiles and alert you to these and other violations. Additionally, if you are training new pharmacists, it is good experience for them to spend part of their day reviewing profiles and critically evaluating the med list for problems.



Thanks for all that you have done to get and keep us ready for our impending TJC survey. We feel confident that they will be here soon, but we never know for sure until we hear CODE-J!





----- Forwarded Message -----



From: "Mary Dang" <>

To: "Pharmacists" <>

Sent: Friday, September 13, 2019 12:47:46 PM

Subject: Assigned Nursing Units





Attached are updated nursing unit assignments with regards to checking for TJC/CMS compliance and dissemination of pharmacy/nursing staff information. Please note that as more pharmacists are released from training, the assignments will be updated further.






Mary Dang, Pharm.D.

Manager of Pharmacy Professional Services Huntsville Hospital, Department of Pharmacy

Office: 256-265-2492

Mobile: 256-337-6190

Fax: 256-265-2155

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