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9/12/19 ww Evolving positions and unit assignments
September 16, 2019

From: "Wade Williams" <>

To: "Pharmacists" <>

Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 1:44:18 PM

Subject: Evolving positions and unit assignments






HH-Main pharmacists,


With the new FTE's and staff, we are able to begin rolling out some positions in the coming months. Some of these positions will be evolving once full pharmacist deployment is implemented. Attached is an Unit Assignment document that highlights some of upcoming changes. Note: these changes don't go into effect until certain dates depending on the position.



    * UB1: The return of the weekday UB1 begins Oct. 21st .

    * W4: Additional help during the weekend evening shifts. Starting Nov. 2nd , all the W's hours will change to 1130A-10P. The W4 will eventually evolve.

    * Qw: A 1st shift weekend position stationed in central pharmacy, focusing on OPM and procedural areas. Starting Nov. 2nd .


More changes are coming in the months ahead. Let me know if you have any questions!



Thank you,


Wade Williams, Pharm.D.

Supervisor, Pharmacy Professional Services Huntsville Hospital Department of Pharmacy

Office: (256)265-4522

Cell: (256)506-7654

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