Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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9/8/19 dc TJC readiness
September 9, 2019

From: "David Collette" <>

Sent: Sunday, September 8, 2019 10:19:05 AM

Subject: TJC readiness



Monday, Sept 9 is one of our "available" weeks for a TJC survey, so they could well be here at 8 am Monday. Pharmacists have been working hard to clean up profiles and both pharmacists and technicians have worked hard to keep our central areas survey-ready. Here are a few last-minute tips:



    * Please keep profiles free of duplicate PRNs and PRNs without indication. After today, they should be clean and everyone who verifies orders is responsible for keeping these issues off the profile

    * Make sure that ROUTES are appropriate. We found several patients who had most of their meds via tube (NG, G, J), but had some meds ordered PO. Other hospitals have been cited for this.

    * Make sure that all allergies have a reaction listed. We cannot verify orders (except in an emergency) until we have allergies and the resulting reaction.

    * In central areas, check for partially used bottles (or other dosage forms) that may have expired

    * Check warmers...generally, only mannitol should be there are it should be dated for removal after 14 days.



If they are here tomorrow, I think we will be ready. If not, we'll keep working to make things even better. Thanks to ALL who have contributed to our readiness thus is definitely making a difference.








David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP

Operations Manager, Professional Services

Huntsville Hospital Department of Pharmacy

101 Sivley Road, Huntsville, AL 35801

Desk: (256) 265-6741; Cell: (256) 527-2560

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