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9/5/19 gk Task delegation to UB RPhs
September 5, 2019

From: "Gregg Knowles" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2019 1:53:43 PM
Subject: Task delegation to UB RPhs

Pharmacists working at Main:

In an effort to increase UB involvement with PKS activities, delegation of PKS patients to UB RPhs will begin Monday, September 9.  For those of you that have been here a while, you know this is not something new, just resumption of a pre-Cerner process.  Each weekday morning, the clinical specialists will be placing tasks lists in the UB wall bins located in the 5th floor pharmacy office. Assigned patients are yours for the day, even if the patient transfers to another unit.  The delegation scheme is as follows:

Clinical Specialist Position        Will Delegate Tasks to…
           D1                                  UB 6
           D2                              UB 2 and UB 7
           N1                                  UB 10
           Z1                                  UB 9
           ONC                                  UB4
           AMT                             UB 5 and UB12 and UB 3 and UB 8

Pharmacists are expected to manage the patient and write a daily progress note for assigned patients along with any new consults throughout the shift (midnight RPhs do not need to write a progress note).  Predicting workload is difficult, so communicate with the clinical specialist if delegated plus new patients is consistently a heavy burden.

Attached is a document with a link to a pair of 10 minute videos recapping the process of writing a vancomycin or warfarin progress note.

Delegation may be light in the beginning as PKS/NSS training of new hires continues through mid-October, and AMT is currently working on a vancomycin project that requires following numerous patients over the next 30 days or so.

Delegation should be for the short-term, as the department moves to more of a team approach with RPh redeployment.  Once this happens, the plan is for PKS/NSS tasks to be managed by the team.  Timing of redeployment is TBD.

If you attended one of the recent PKS Refresher courses, I instructed that upon drug discontinuation and completion of the consult, UBs should keep the Daily Consult on the profile so that it creates a task the next day and another RPh could confirm the discontinuation was correct.  After consulting with others, it has been decided not to do this.  When the drug is discontinued and the consult complete, the RPh should remove the Daily Consult from the profile.

I'm sure I'm leaving something out.  Do not hesitate to contact me or another clin spec with questions.  Remember, we start Monday morning.

Gregg K.

Gregg Knowles, PharmD
Huntsville Hospital Pharmacy
Fax: 256-265-2499

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