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9/2/19 bg Black bin (hazardous pharmaceutical waste) needs 1-year discard date
September 3, 2019

From: "Becky Ginn" <>

To: "Pharmacy" <>

Sent: Monday, September 2, 2019 11:29:59 AM

Subject: Black bin (hazardous pharmaceutical waste) needs 1-year discard date



The revised RCRA regulations allow accumulation of hazardous waste pharmaceuticals (HWPs) on site for a maximum of one year .


Therefore, to be in compliance with this new regulation, all BLACK BOX PHARMACEUTICAL WASTE containers will need to be marked with a one-year discard date.


Effective immediately, when NEW black waste bins are started, mark the container (may use a Sharpie) with:

"discard by: MM/DD/YY " (date will be one year from the date of installation of the new container).


Let your supervisor or manager know if you have questions.





Becky Ginn, Pharm.D.

Huntsville Hospital

Pharmacy Manager - Central Operations

(256) 265-2542

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