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8/29/19 ww Change in PeriOp weight-based filtering
August 29, 2019

From: "Wade Williams" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2019 11:04:54 AM
Subject: Change in PeriOp weight-based filtering

Starting today there will be a slight change to periop medications with order sentences that are filtered by patient weight (ex: ancef, vanco.) This will affect the periop phased power plans. This update was prompted after investigating issues where the weight filtering did not appear to be working on PreAdmit Testing (PAT) patients. We discovered that it was actually an issue where PAT was selecting the appropriate antibiotic before the weight was entered resulting in incorrect or absent weight-based filtering. Starting today, PAT will only select the medication for medications with weight-based filtering. The order sentence will no longer be selected and will be left incomplete in the planned state. When initiating the medications, the pharmacist working the PeriOp Tracking Board will be responsible for selecting the appropriate order sentence. This can be done by using the drop down on the medication or by using the pop-up that will appear if you initiate the phase while the order is still incomplete. Please see attached screenshots. 


Again thank you to everyone who reported these issues and to Katie Sims for leading an improvement plan. We think this will make the process a lot safer. Let me know of any questions or issues going forward.

Wade Williams, Pharm.D.
Supervisor, Pharmacy Professional Services
Huntsville Hospital Department of Pharmacy
Office: (256)265-4522
Cell: (256)506-7654

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