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8/26/19 md Gabapentin orders in Multimodal Analgesia PP - Discontinue for pts 70 and older
August 26, 2019

From: "Michele Durda" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2019 9:40:44 AM
Subject: Gabapentin orders in Multimodal Analgesia PP - Discontinue for pts 70 and older

Recently, Anesthesia requested an additional 'exception' for the use of gabapentin in our multimodal regimens. They were concerned about excessive sedation in older patients. Therefore, we have added the statement, 'Do NOT give if patient is 70 years old or greater', to these orders. Please review the patient's age when verifying multimodal analgesia orders; and, help support nursing by discontinuing the gabapentin orders in these Powerplans for patients 70 years and older. If you identify a multimodal gabapentin order that is missing this statement, please notify PharmIT. It may be from a Powerplan that was overlooked or it may be part of a provider's favorites.



Michele Durda, Pharm.D.

Medication Safety/Drug Utilization Pharmacist

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