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8/15/19 bg BIG CHANGE for gabapentin products TODAY!!!
August 15, 2019

From: "Becky Ginn" <>
To: "Pharmacy" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2019 8:55:47 AM
Subject: BIG CHANGE for gabapentin products TODAY!!!

Beginning TODAY at all three hospitals all gabapentin products will be handled as if they are controlled substances (i.e. will be stored in the C2Safe, only loaded into secure Pyxis pockets, will have a blind count on Pyxis pockets, etc.). Each hospital will be working throughout the day to complete all the needed changes to make this happen. A PULSE announcement will be posted shortly to notify nursing and all other hospital staff.

Here are some IMPORTANT notes:

1. gabapentin liquid (normally refrigerated) will be placed into NON-refrigerated Pyxis pockets as needed. These cups will be stored in the Pharmacy C2Safe REFRIGERATOR, but once they are dispensed from the C2Safe refrigerator we are to place a 3-month expiration date on each cup. If these cups, with our new expiration date, are returned to the C2Safe refrigerator for any reason, we keep the 3-month dating. This is very similar to how we handle the ATIVAN INTENSOL (except gabapentin gets 3-months once remove from refrigeration). Another important point is that ACELLA is the only manufacturer that supports this 3-month non-refrigerated dating so all of our cups should be from ACELLA.

2. The State mandated date that gabapentin moves to Schedule-V Controlled Substance is November 18, 2019. We have chosen to be proactive and do this now.

3. Mid-level practitioners prescribing will NOT CHANGE until November 18, 2019. At that time a gabapentin order will require a physician's co-signature just as all other controlled substances do.

Let your manager or supervisor know if you have questions!


Becky Ginn, Pharm.D.
Huntsville Hospital
Pharmacy Manager - Central Operations
(256) 265-2542

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