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8/6/19 md OPM-MOB
August 6, 2019

From: "Mary Dang" <>

To: "Pharmacists" <>

Sent: Monday, August 5, 2019 2:15:26 PM

Subject: OPM-MOB


Good Afternoon,





Pharmacy was able to secure new FTEs in order address needs and workload. One of the FTEs will be a pharmacist working out of OPM-MOB. We are looking for a pool of pharmacists that will staff the one FTE stationed at OPM-MOB. The responsibilities of this position are to help with order verification and PKS consults; pharmacoeconomic, pharmacokinetic, and pharmacodynamic issues for OPM-MOB patients; optimize product selection based on criteria; help with patient assistance program; evaluate and verify regimens based on protocol; provide education for OPM-MOB staff and physicians; and other activities as needed. Hours of coverage will be determined but will most likely be morning shift during the weekdays and staffing coverage during the weekends (with central pharmacy coverage). Previous OPM-MOB and/or PSP experience preferred but not required. Deadline for interest is August 16, 2019.









Mary Dang, Pharm.D.

Manager of Pharmacy Professional Services Huntsville Hospital, Department of Pharmacy

Office: 256-265-2492

Mobile: 256-337-6190

Fax: 256-265-2155

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