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7/25/19 jh RE: Select "NO LABEL" when verifying PRN BULK Cerner orders
July 25, 2019

From: "Joseph Ho" <>
To: "Becky Ginn" <>, "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2019 10:37:12 AM
Subject: RE: Select "NO LABEL" when verifying PRN BULK Cerner orders


Hey everyone,

To suppress the label from printing during verification change the "Initial doses" to 0 on the order verification screen.

Alternatively, you can change the Printing "Label copies" to 0.

Changing either field to 0 suppresses the label, you don't have to do both. It's easier to change just "Initial doses" to 0 since it's right on the verification screen.


Many thanks!
Joseph Ho, Pharm.D.
Clinical Pharmacist - Transitions of Care
Lead Pharmacist - Cerner Pharmacy Education
Huntsville Hospital


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