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07/24/19 bg Select "NO LABEL" when verifying PRN BULK Cerner orders
July 25, 2019

From: "Becky Ginn" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2019 1:58:34 PM
Subject: Select "NO LABEL" when verifying PRN BULK Cerner orders


The following pertains to Main and HHWC only (does NOT pertain to Madison Hosp Pharmacy because they are not 24-hours):

Please select "no label" to print when verifying PRN bulk orders. The nurse can med request the bulk if he/she needs to administer (printing the label produces a charge to the patient; verifying the order with "no label" does NOT charge the patient).

We are getting tons of returns at Main when patient's are discharged and the bulk was never used (the patient was charged).

Some of the top offenders:
simethicone (MYLICON) drops
VENELEX ointment
AFRIN spray
OCEAN spray

Bulk charging in Cerner works as such:
Bulk charges occur when the product is dispensed (i.e. a label is printed). When you select "no label", no charge is applied (useful for PRN bulks that we know will likely never be given in the hospital). When you print extra labels, extra charges are applied UNLESS the "charge patient" box is deselected. If you want to see if a charge was applied, you can look at the medication history line by line and see. Anytime a tech deselects "charge patient" we are dispensing for free.

Let me or a supervisor know if you have questions.

Thanks, Becky


Becky Ginn, Pharm.D.
Huntsville Hospital
Pharmacy Manager - Central Operations
(256) 265-2542

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