Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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04/19/19 SR -- Order Image and Metformin/IV Contrast Sheets - Reminder

From: Samantha Rustamov
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 8:42:38 AM
Subject: Re: Order Image and Metformin/IV Contrast Sheets - Reminder

IV contrast sheet update:
While reviewing these patients, some pharmacists have discovered that Radiology or Cath Lab staff have not charted the IV contrast. GREAT CATCH!

  • In addition to reviewing for metformin on the active medication profile, also confirm the IV contrast was charted on the MAR
  • If there is no charting event, open an Ad Hoc Pharmacy Intervention in PowerChart (so we can follow-up once/shift for 48 hours) - noting the contrast administration date/time
  • The medication order image may be completed once the intervention has been created

Please send me examples, and I will report these to the respective departments. Pharmacy IT continues to test better long-term options for this D/D interaction alert.

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