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04/16/19 MD -- Alaris drug library update - pushed out this morning 4/16

From: Michele Durda

Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 10:58:34 AM

Subject: Alaris drug library update - pushed out this morning 4/16


To correct issues with pump interoperability, an updated library has been pushed out to the Alaris pumps. To accept the new library, please be sure to keep pumps plugged in. Pumps that are plugged in and on will receive the new library in the background. The new library will be activated when the pump is cycled (turn off, turn back on and select "yes" to "New patient?"). Look for the new library name on the screen to be sure you have the most current library (HH 4.16.19). If your pump has not updated yet, plug it in and leave it on for about 5 minutes before cycling again.

New library name : HH 4.16.19

Changes include some drug additions and drug configuration changes (dosing units) to be compatible with Cerner interoperability:

  1. adult library changes: add niCARdipine dosed in mcg/kg/min for CVICU (radial grafts); updated Drug ID for TPN; add 'wildcard' entry for albumin; add g entry for ampicillin; add Drug ID for FEIBA; add g entry for cefTRIAXone; add 'wildcard' entry for cefuroxime; add ciprofloxacin entry; add 'wildcard' entry for copper; add non-weight based entry for desmopressin; add non-weight based entry for DOXOrubicin; add mg 'wildcard' for ertapenem; add non-weight based entry for fosphenytoin; add non-weight based entry for ifosfamide; add g entry for meropenem; add weight-based entry for vancomycin; add Drug ID to 3% saline; add non-weight-based entry for azaCITIDine 4. neonatal library additions: add bumetanide neonatal (intermittent); add furosemide neonatal (intermittent); add rocuronium intermittent 'wildcard'
  2. pediatric library additions: add hydrocortisone entry; add valproate sodium entries

These drug library updates will not fix ALL interoperability issues. We will also need to upload a new mapping file into Cerner - date TBD

The complete Alaris library contents may be viewed at the link below:

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns

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