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04/02/19 AW -- Home meds: frequency entered vs quantity dispensed

From: April Williams
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2019 5:02:20 PM
Subject: Home meds: frequency entered vs quantity dispensed



I've received some questions recently regarding the frequency that is entered vs the quantity of tabs displayed in the Document Meds by Hx section of Powerchart.


IF the information came from a query, the number of tabs per day listed *should* match up with the quantity dispensed (assuming the provider hasn't instructed the patient to take a different amount/frequency). 

You can view the query by clicking on the External Rx History Icon and selecting View.

Example query: 


IF the med is manually entered into the Document Meds by Hx section (regardless of whether any query data exists for any given med), it is likely that the closest order sentence was selected when the med was entered, and then the dose/frequency was adjusted, making THIS quantity displayed irrelevant. (Notice the scroll icon, instead of a pill bottle icon.)


Example: Lets say RN/TOC Tech wants to enter the gabapentin 600 mg tab from the query above as one tab QID, which would match the # 112 quantity dispensed from Westside Pharmacy on 2/21/19.


He/she would likely select the closest order sentence available from the drop-down menu (in this case TID, # 90), and then adjust the frequency to QID.


When only looking at the Document Meds by Hx section, the frequency listed (QID) now does not "match" the quantity selected (#90), but as mentioned above, THIS quantity displayed is irrelevant.  The query data (screenshot above) contains the actual quantity dispensed (#112, not #90)

Bottom line: when questioning frequency entered versus quantity dispensed, check the External Rx History (query) data if available. Unlike HCS where any quantity displayed reflected the actual fill history, in Cerner there is a quantity displayed when meds are manually entered via an order sentence, and this manual entry displayed in the Document Meds by Hx section does not necessarily reflect the quantity actually dispensed.


Please feel free to reach out if I can answer any questions.


Thank you,


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