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03/29/19 AA -- Drug Duplicate Warnings: Removing Acetaminophen, Norco, Percocet

From: Aaron Atkins
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2019 4:32:08 PM
Subject: Drug Duplicate Warnings: Removing Acetaminophen, Norco, Percocet

In an effort to reduce alert fatigue we will be deactivating the 1Chart duplication checking alerts today for the following acetaminophen containing products:



Acetaminophen-Hydrocodone (Norco)

Acetaminophen-Oxycodone (Percocet)


The deactivation of these duplicate warnings is not immediate and will depend on the cycling of multiple servers which should occur over the weekend.  We will be monitoring for the reduction of these alerts, but you may see some duplication alerts initially until all servers are cycled.


Of note, glucose duplicate alerts were deactivated on Thursday of this week and should no longer fire as well. 


Thank you for your patience as we evaluate adjustments for other alerts in the system going forward.


Aaron B. Atkins, Pharm.D., BCPS

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