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03/29/19 AK -- Hospice Fax Back orders

From: Andrew Koehler

Sent: Friday, March 29, 2019 2:20:10 PM

Subject: Hospice Fax Back orders


Thank you for your hard work in the transition to paper fax back for hospice orders. I know the system is not ideal but pharmacist verification is important for patient safety and this is currently the only system we have until hospice joins Cerner.


Please make sure we are monitoring Cerner Order Image regularly for hospice orders, especially when the Q pharmacist has gone for the day.


Also hospice has requested that we write or type the date/time and name of the pharmacist verifying the order before faxing back.


I am working with nursing staff to make sure they have all the required information on the order sheet and in NetSmart before faxing to pharmacy to make the process smoother.





Andrew Koehler, Pharm.D., BCACP

Supervising Pharmacist - Hospice Family Care Pharmacy Clinical

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